Written by Ahmed Maajid
Argument from Observation
My eyes are so powerful that I can see all that exists. From the nearest to the farthest, there is no place where my sight doesn’t go, and never does my sight fail. If I do not see anything with my all-seeing eyes, it simply means that it doesn’t exist. I haven’t seen God with my eyes and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Reason
I know that, as a human being, my mind is limited in that it can, on its own, understand only that portion of reality which I can directly or indirectly encounter through sensory observation and experience. On the other hand, God, by definition, is transcendental and infinite in His being and existence, nature, attributes, and doings. As a result, I can understand only certain aspects of God’s existence, nature, attributes and doings with my limited mind.
I also know that we don’t have to understand everything about a being in order to prove that being’s existence. For example, one doesn’t have to tell you everything about New York City in order to prove to you that New York City exists. Similarly, to prove Mr. Salman Rushdie’s existence to you, one doesn’t have to know and prove to you everything about him including who his parents were, and where he was born or where he studied! Likewise, one doesn’t have to know and communicate to you everything about God to prove God’s existence to you. In fact, proving just one ontological property of a being is sufficient to prove that being’s existence!
However, since I am too bigoted to accept God’s existence unless I know everything about Him, I will not accept that He is there unless and until I know all that there is to know about Him, and since I do not know all that is there to know about Him, and since there are still unanswered questions about Him, I declare that He doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Paradoxical Nature of the Concept of God
They say that God can do everything and anything as He is omnipotent. Now, can He create a stone so huge that even He cannot lift it? If he can, there shall then be a stone that He cannot lift, and if He can lift any stone, then He cannot create a stone so huge that He cannot lift. Either way, it is "proved" that He cannot do everything?!!??
Now, the concept of omnipotence, as seen from the example of Stone given above, is paradoxical or self-contradictory.
However, this whole thing is a hoax that is being devised to confuse the human mind, as the ultimate reality of the nature and attributes of God can't possibly be fully understood by human beings. The truth is that there are some contradictions that our minds see as contradictions because we simply do not have sufficient knowledge to unravel their hidden aspects that, when revealed to us, clear the picture for us and explain the contradictions. As long as such aspects remain hidden from our mental perception or sensory observation, they will seem to us as contradictions, and once we get the missing pieces of knowledge, they are settled.
Here is an example: Ali tells me today, at 4 pm, that Ibrahim's one and only wife is Shaima. At 5 pm, Yousuf tells me that the same Ibrahim's one and only wife is Misha, and not Shaima. Assuming that they were both correct, and that Shaima and Misha are two different persons and that we are talking about the same Ibrahim, these two statements are contradictory. However, they are contradictory only because we miss a necessary piece of information. It is that at 4:30 pm Ibrahim divorced Shaima and married Misha. With the new information, the contradiction is gone!
This is a simple example that shows us that what appears to us as contradictions may not actually be so; that some contradictions seem so to our minds only because we do not have enough knowledge.
Since God is an infinite, transcendental being, it comes as no surprise that some of His Attributes and some aspects of His Nature appear to us as paradoxical. What can we do? We can humbly accept the simple truth that such contradictions may be the result of our inability to fully understand God's Nature and Attributes and be content with the incredible amount of evidences out there that point out at Him. It is not that hard to understand that some aspects of the concept of God seem contradictory to us only because we lack some crucial pieces of information about the Nature and Attributes of God.
Even our mind tells that no finite being could possibly understand an infinite being completely, and no mundane perceptive faculty can fully understand a transcendental being. When it comes to God, He is infinite and transcendental and we human beings are finite in every way and earthly, no matter how much further along the path of understanding and science we go by using our abilities. God is too great for our minds to fully perceive Him.
A religious philosopher once said that life is not about getting answers to all the questions we have, but it is about getting answers to those for which we can get answers and then learning to live with the questions for which we, as human beings, just cannot get answers. Many questions about God's Nature and Attributes are such questions, and the truth of His existence is too obvious to be ousted by our failure to understand Him fully.
But NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO! I am too arrogant to do so, and I say that my mind and my limited logic should be able to fully and completely understand God. I am an overlord of a Judge, and if God wants me to accept Him, then He must come down to the pedestal of my judgment and talk to me and tell me ALL and EVERYTHING about Himself! Otherwise, He doesn't exist!
Argument from the Replacement of God with Science
Despite the fact that there are many sufficient proofs for the existence of God, including philosophical, scientific, historical, moral and religious arguments, no one can prove the existence of God the way one can prove the existence of, say, an apple. In other words, one cannot illustrate or demonstrate the existence of God in the manner that one can in case of a mathematical truth like one plus one is equal to two. This does not mean that the degree of certainty attained is any less, but merely that the METHOD in which God's existence is proved is somewhat different from the method we use in understanding physical, natural phenomena around us.
On the other hand, I want to believe that science has replaced God and taken mankind out of the age of superstition in which God constituted the ultimate explanation for every being, every motion, and every abstract reality; in fact for anything conceivable. I want to believe that science uses hard logic to prove its propositions, and brought us certain knowledge unlike those fools and liars who speak about the existence of God.
However, my ignorance of even science has meant that I am not, at least consciously, aware of the fact that science cannot, in fact, prove any significant propositions about the universe, and only very few of all of its ideas, with logical certainty. Even though science mostly uses a method of reasoning called induction, which is an illogical way of reasoning that was criticized by philosophers like David Hume, I am too bigoted to understand what is going on here. Also, the explanations of later philosophers such as Karl Popper are just ways of looking into the matter from an angle which merely hides the loophole, and does not patch it up.
The conclusion is that science is basically as rational or irrational as religious belief is, to say the least. Science is not an extra-human and absolute source of infallible knowledge, but it is a human endeavor with all human shortcomings. However, my foolhardy and extremely distorted and arrogant mind would like just something to get rid of this god-thing and therefore God is replaced by modern science, and therefore God does not exist!
Argument from the Errors of the Bible
The Christians say that the Holy Bible is the Book of God. Some of them say that it is an inspired Book which contains the Message of God in the words of men, while others say that it is the Book of God in the sense that each and every word, comma, and full stop was dictated by God.
However, when I read the Bible, I can see many errors and mistakes in it. In fact, one can go so far as to say that the Bible is replete with inaccuracies and mistakes. To some people this is simply a proof that the Bible is not the Word of God. However, to me it means that God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Mythical Jesus
The claim that Jesus Christ lived doesn’t have sufficient veracity as far as historicity is concerned. The Bible, from which we get all the information about Jesus' life and mission is a book full of historical inaccuracies and therefore it's credibility is seriously doubted. In fact, certain historians of our age of enlightenment have argued that the whole story of Jesus and his mission is a fantastically told myth, which is not supported by proper historical evidences. Therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Qur’an's Stand against Evil
The Qur’an condemns evil in the strongest terms, and urges noble men who dedicate themselves to the truth to stand firm against evil, fight evil with all that they have and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of good in fighting against evil. However, the idea of Good winning against evil, and the forces of evil being crumbled before the might and majesty of Good is too much a burden for me to bear. Hence, I hate the Qur’an, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Muhammad’s Fight against Evil
Muhammad fought against the powers of evil, and broke down those forces and established the Kingdom of Heaven on God’s earth, thereby fulfilling the age-long endeavors of the Noble Messengers of God, and those noble souls who had suffered indescribably at the hands of evil and given their lives fighting against the powers of evil for the sake of truth. However, as I said before, I cannot bear to see the defeat of evil and therefore I want to hate Muhammad for defeating evil, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Muhammad’s Polygamy
Muhammad was just a man and he had humanly instincts and desires, and therefore he got married to women. In his marital life, Muhammad followed his culture, and acted simply in accordance with his social norms and values, and thus, married a number of women simultaneously. In other words, this man practiced polygamy!
I know that polygamy was a perfectly normal cultural norm of the Arabs of the time of Muhammad. However, since polygamy is a practice that is unacceptable and objectionable in accordance with the socio-cultural norms and values of my time and society; and since I am too narrow-minded to understand the cultural norms and values of other people and other times; and since I want to Judge Muhammad with the yardsticks of my own cultural values and norms, I declare Muhammad to be an evil womanizer, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from What They Say about Muhammad
They say that Muhammad married a nine-year old Aishah and cohabited with her. There are many points at which this historical claim should be objected, questioned and thus disregarded. Moreover, the people who related this incident were not at all reliable in my opinion. However, since I want to attribute bad things such as pedophilia to Muhammad, I must embrace this claim about him marrying and cohabiting Aisha. Therefore I believe it, and based on it, I establish that Muhammad was a child-abuser.
Also, there is a narration in Islamic historical sources which tells us that Muhammad and his Companions arrested hundreds of Jews, had some of them undressed in order to make sure they had reached puberty, and had all adult men killed and all the children and women enslaved. Although this story was narrated by a Jewish man who claimed to have survived the atrocity, and although there are many other evidences that point out to possible fabrication in this case, I want to believe it and orchestrate it since it will help me to denigrate the character of Muhammad.
Such incidences are proof enough that Muhammad was an inhuman and perverted man, and therefore God doesn't exist.
Argument from Animalism
God prohibits us things such as engaging in illicit sex, improper and immoral fulfillment of carnal appetites, and other excesses of lewdness and profanity. He also commands us to keep away from amassing and devouring money and riches through dirty and selfish means such as gambling, usury, and deceptive dealings. He doesn’t stop there! He goes on to ask us not to drink alcohol, not to display our physical beauty in immoral ways, not to be arrogant, not to be boastful and conceited, etc!
However, I believe that I am free to engage in any of these evils as long as I don’t allow the red blood of any of my brother or sister to be directly seen on my hands! I don’t want anyone to interfere with how, where, and when I go ahead to fulfill the animalistic desires of mine that I have mentioned above. After all, this is the age of liberalism, and I am my own god, and I am living in a universe which I had created for myself, and I am eating, day in day out, of things that I myself have created for myself. Therefore God has no right to tell me what is wrong, what is right when I see it with rationality and logic!
In addition, I do not believe in the concept of objective truths in relation to morality. Many philosophers say, and therefore I too say, that whatever my personal, political, financial, or social interests demand me to commit or engage in, in a particular circumstance or situation, is the right thing for me. For example, if my personal interests demand me to commit fraud in a financial transaction, then committing fraud is perfectly right for me in that situation. Likewise, if I get a chance to commit fornication or adultery with a very beautiful girl or an attractive man, then it is good for me to do it because it brings me sexual gratification and fulfillment!
As I have said earlier, I don’t want anyone to interfere with me fulfilling my animalistic desires, and I don’t want anyone to bar my freedom to do whatever my personal interests dictate me to do. Since God tries to do exactly this, by setting out rules for me and asking me to shun these evils, he doesn’t exist!
Argument from Evil
Human beings have fought wars against each other in the name of religion, nationalism, etc., thereby killing millions of innocent men, women, and children. They have conducted wars that have annihilated whole tribes and nations. In recent times, men have gone so far as to bomb and burn hundreds of thousands of other human beings just for the sake of oil! Can you believe it?
Also, a few people have devoured the world’s resources and thereby driven a huge proportion of mankind into starvation and hunger. A few people are having riches many times more than they actually need, and are wasting them for pathetic purposes (you see some of them, for example, spending millions of dollars on marriage banquettes!!) while millions of people are foodless and homeless due to lack of financial ability to afford the fulfillment of these basic needs! Small populations have reserved for them huge land masses, and innumerable natural resources, so much so that the world’s resources are not distributed among its people – the human beings who are supposed to be equally entitled to the benefits of those resources – in a fair and just manner!
Millions of men, women, and children are dying due to various kinds of diseases every day. Although the world has enough resources to give proper medical treatment probably to all of them; and though the world possess sufficient technical ability to cure almost all of them, those poor people are dying of sicknesses just because they are not rich enough to afford the expensive medical treatment offered by the medical industry (yes, it is an industry doing business)! In other words, an overwhelmingly large proportion of poor human beings who are dying due to fatal illnesses are actually medically curable, and they would have been happily living their lives if they had the necessary financial and curative resources and facilities at their disposal! However, they have no choice but to suffer in life, and die as dogs uncared for, simply because those few people who have devoured the world’s riches are not prepared to give their poor brothers and sisters in humanity their due!
Instead of making our world a mechanized process, in which we human beings would mechanically be perfect beings, God gave us freedom - something of which we make a huge uproar, but something that we grossly misunderstand, and hypocritically deal with. We pretend to cherish freedom as a great gift to us (from nowhere!!!), and we boast about freedom as a virtue we hold dear, and then we curse freedom by blaming God for what we do with our freedom!
I know that all the and all other evils that I have spoken of and, also not spoken of, that have been catastrophic calamities hunting on mankind are only the doings of man himself. I know that man can put it right by becoming more loving and more understanding towards his brethren in humanity. However, I, as a human being myself, do not want to take any responsibility. I want God to send an army of angels to put everything right, or to use His Omnipotence and Omniscience to mend the situation instantly. In other words, we human beings should be free to bring about whatever evils on our fellow human beings, and God simply should clear up the mess we create! Since God doesn’t do that, He doesn’t exist!
There are certain evils that are described by some philosophers as 'natural evil', which are the result of natural forces created by God, which are not under the control of us human beings. God had already warned us of such things as part of a moral and spiritual examination of our love, devotion, submission, obedience, integrity, patience, and perseverance. In fact, God did never make any promises of a perfect life. He was very lovingly honest with us, and informed us that even with these natural calamities that would befall us at times, if we stood as a family of human beings with love towards each other, helpful to those of us befallen with such calamities, life would be incredibly beautiful and worthwhile. God also was very honest with us saying that eternal happiness and salvation would be there for anyone who stood patiently and lovingly facing God, and by the side of other human beings as a true brother/sister to all of them. However, since I failed to prove my worth in this task, and since I failed to pass the moral and spiritual examination, I would blame God for everything, and therefore God does not exist!
Argument from Accountability
Those who believe in God say that it is unjust to treat the wicked and the good alike. They say that the wicked, who purposefully reject the truth and commit all kinds of evil such as murder, rape, deception, lying, spreading mischief on earth, etc., and the good, who accept the truth, are humble, sincere, kind, loving, forgiving etc., are never the same and should never be treated in the same manner. They also say that treating those wicked people and the good people in the same manner amounts to outright injustice.
However, the concepts of fairness, justice, good and evil are beyond the grasp of my twisted mind and therefore I cannot accept the fact that God should punish the wicked in hell, while He puts the good in Paradise. God should put all the people, whether they are good or evil, in Paradise, and since God will punish the wicked in hell, He doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Almighty Father
Almighty Father Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (he had this little problem of being in love with his sister, but that's nothing, you see) traveled throughout the length and breadth of all that exists and, thus, came to know of all that was, is, will be, wasn’t, isn’t, and won’t be! In fact, he was there at the funeral of God and he wrote many books such as The Gay Science, and Thus Spake Zarathustra, in which he stated that God was dead. Therefore, God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Noble Son
Charles Robert Darwin the Noble Son of the Almighty Father traveled to the lands of east and west in the blessed ship called HMS Beagle, and he visited the blessed island of Galápagos where he was given knowledge of existence. After this, he wrote the Holy Book – Origin of Species – in which he explained the existence of life in the universe with the theory of evolution (the Holy Doctrine of Evolution, actually). According to this doctrine, God didn’t create the universe and its contents. Whatever life in the universe, says the doctrine of the Noble Son, originated through the process of evolution. In fact, the Noble Son says that man is an evolved form of a kind of monkeys which were prototypes for the human beings we see!
I don’t understand how this could be, and I am not sure whether Darwin the Noble Son fully understood what he said either. In fact, neither the Noble Son, nor any of his followers have really explained how their wheel of evolution began to move, or how it is steered. However, since Darwin the Noble Son said that life originated through the process of evolution, and since he gave testimony that God didn’t create life, the Noble Son was true and God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Holy Spirit
Clinton Richard Dawkins – the Holy Spirit – is a man of encyclopedic knowledge of biology, and he has a subtle and intelligent mind. Yet, he is seriously short of real wisdom, and his propositions about God and his supposed proofs against God's existence from books such as The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion are nothing but speculation and conjecture presented in twisted rhetoric. Those books certainly have immense capacity to mislead people who are devoid and bereft of true wisdom. But they are sufficient proof as to the author's lamentably prejudiced perception and interpretation of the world as it is and the phenomenal manifestations we see in it.
However, Dawkins the Holy Spirit has said that God doesn’t exist, and he postulates a new version of the theory of evolution, and with it, proves that God is a myth. Even though how he proves the non-existence of God is a mystery to me, and a mystery, probably, to everyone else, I will accept his testimony nonetheless. You can ask me a million times why I accept his theory, but I will not tell you why. You may tell me that I am accepting his testimony blindly, like many millions of people believe in religions blindly! I don't care at all. I will only say this – since Dawkins said that the belief in God is delusional and that God is a delusion entertained by people with weak and irrational minds, I believe in Dawkins the Holy Spirit, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from My Whims and Caprices
When I tell my friends that I do not believe in God, they seem to be awestruck and amazed at how brave and daring I am. Also, by doing this, I get their attention. They talk about me among themselves, and they come to meet me and ask me several questions and listen to all that I tell them, though most of what I say doesn’t make sense either to them, or to me. Actually I do not know why theists are theists, or why atheists are atheists because I don’t have the mental ability, personal integrity, and sincerity of heart to look at the truth without reservations and stand for the truth for the sake of the truth!
Only one thing matters to me! It is that by denying God, and by claiming that I am an atheist, I will be able to project myself to my friends and those around me as a unique person who dares to do anything. In other words, my sick and pathetic mind thinks that I am been cool by rejecting God, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
I am cool, man (and woman)! And you should be cool like me as well! Ha ha ha haaaa
Argument from Observation
My eyes are so powerful that I can see all that exists. From the nearest to the farthest, there is no place where my sight doesn’t go, and never does my sight fail. If I do not see anything with my all-seeing eyes, it simply means that it doesn’t exist. I haven’t seen God with my eyes and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Reason
I know that, as a human being, my mind is limited in that it can, on its own, understand only that portion of reality which I can directly or indirectly encounter through sensory observation and experience. On the other hand, God, by definition, is transcendental and infinite in His being and existence, nature, attributes, and doings. As a result, I can understand only certain aspects of God’s existence, nature, attributes and doings with my limited mind.
I also know that we don’t have to understand everything about a being in order to prove that being’s existence. For example, one doesn’t have to tell you everything about New York City in order to prove to you that New York City exists. Similarly, to prove Mr. Salman Rushdie’s existence to you, one doesn’t have to know and prove to you everything about him including who his parents were, and where he was born or where he studied! Likewise, one doesn’t have to know and communicate to you everything about God to prove God’s existence to you. In fact, proving just one ontological property of a being is sufficient to prove that being’s existence!
However, since I am too bigoted to accept God’s existence unless I know everything about Him, I will not accept that He is there unless and until I know all that there is to know about Him, and since I do not know all that is there to know about Him, and since there are still unanswered questions about Him, I declare that He doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Paradoxical Nature of the Concept of God
They say that God can do everything and anything as He is omnipotent. Now, can He create a stone so huge that even He cannot lift it? If he can, there shall then be a stone that He cannot lift, and if He can lift any stone, then He cannot create a stone so huge that He cannot lift. Either way, it is "proved" that He cannot do everything?!!??
Now, the concept of omnipotence, as seen from the example of Stone given above, is paradoxical or self-contradictory.
However, this whole thing is a hoax that is being devised to confuse the human mind, as the ultimate reality of the nature and attributes of God can't possibly be fully understood by human beings. The truth is that there are some contradictions that our minds see as contradictions because we simply do not have sufficient knowledge to unravel their hidden aspects that, when revealed to us, clear the picture for us and explain the contradictions. As long as such aspects remain hidden from our mental perception or sensory observation, they will seem to us as contradictions, and once we get the missing pieces of knowledge, they are settled.
Here is an example: Ali tells me today, at 4 pm, that Ibrahim's one and only wife is Shaima. At 5 pm, Yousuf tells me that the same Ibrahim's one and only wife is Misha, and not Shaima. Assuming that they were both correct, and that Shaima and Misha are two different persons and that we are talking about the same Ibrahim, these two statements are contradictory. However, they are contradictory only because we miss a necessary piece of information. It is that at 4:30 pm Ibrahim divorced Shaima and married Misha. With the new information, the contradiction is gone!
This is a simple example that shows us that what appears to us as contradictions may not actually be so; that some contradictions seem so to our minds only because we do not have enough knowledge.
Since God is an infinite, transcendental being, it comes as no surprise that some of His Attributes and some aspects of His Nature appear to us as paradoxical. What can we do? We can humbly accept the simple truth that such contradictions may be the result of our inability to fully understand God's Nature and Attributes and be content with the incredible amount of evidences out there that point out at Him. It is not that hard to understand that some aspects of the concept of God seem contradictory to us only because we lack some crucial pieces of information about the Nature and Attributes of God.
Even our mind tells that no finite being could possibly understand an infinite being completely, and no mundane perceptive faculty can fully understand a transcendental being. When it comes to God, He is infinite and transcendental and we human beings are finite in every way and earthly, no matter how much further along the path of understanding and science we go by using our abilities. God is too great for our minds to fully perceive Him.
A religious philosopher once said that life is not about getting answers to all the questions we have, but it is about getting answers to those for which we can get answers and then learning to live with the questions for which we, as human beings, just cannot get answers. Many questions about God's Nature and Attributes are such questions, and the truth of His existence is too obvious to be ousted by our failure to understand Him fully.
But NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO! I am too arrogant to do so, and I say that my mind and my limited logic should be able to fully and completely understand God. I am an overlord of a Judge, and if God wants me to accept Him, then He must come down to the pedestal of my judgment and talk to me and tell me ALL and EVERYTHING about Himself! Otherwise, He doesn't exist!
Argument from the Replacement of God with Science
Despite the fact that there are many sufficient proofs for the existence of God, including philosophical, scientific, historical, moral and religious arguments, no one can prove the existence of God the way one can prove the existence of, say, an apple. In other words, one cannot illustrate or demonstrate the existence of God in the manner that one can in case of a mathematical truth like one plus one is equal to two. This does not mean that the degree of certainty attained is any less, but merely that the METHOD in which God's existence is proved is somewhat different from the method we use in understanding physical, natural phenomena around us.
On the other hand, I want to believe that science has replaced God and taken mankind out of the age of superstition in which God constituted the ultimate explanation for every being, every motion, and every abstract reality; in fact for anything conceivable. I want to believe that science uses hard logic to prove its propositions, and brought us certain knowledge unlike those fools and liars who speak about the existence of God.
However, my ignorance of even science has meant that I am not, at least consciously, aware of the fact that science cannot, in fact, prove any significant propositions about the universe, and only very few of all of its ideas, with logical certainty. Even though science mostly uses a method of reasoning called induction, which is an illogical way of reasoning that was criticized by philosophers like David Hume, I am too bigoted to understand what is going on here. Also, the explanations of later philosophers such as Karl Popper are just ways of looking into the matter from an angle which merely hides the loophole, and does not patch it up.
The conclusion is that science is basically as rational or irrational as religious belief is, to say the least. Science is not an extra-human and absolute source of infallible knowledge, but it is a human endeavor with all human shortcomings. However, my foolhardy and extremely distorted and arrogant mind would like just something to get rid of this god-thing and therefore God is replaced by modern science, and therefore God does not exist!
Argument from the Errors of the Bible
The Christians say that the Holy Bible is the Book of God. Some of them say that it is an inspired Book which contains the Message of God in the words of men, while others say that it is the Book of God in the sense that each and every word, comma, and full stop was dictated by God.
However, when I read the Bible, I can see many errors and mistakes in it. In fact, one can go so far as to say that the Bible is replete with inaccuracies and mistakes. To some people this is simply a proof that the Bible is not the Word of God. However, to me it means that God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Mythical Jesus
The claim that Jesus Christ lived doesn’t have sufficient veracity as far as historicity is concerned. The Bible, from which we get all the information about Jesus' life and mission is a book full of historical inaccuracies and therefore it's credibility is seriously doubted. In fact, certain historians of our age of enlightenment have argued that the whole story of Jesus and his mission is a fantastically told myth, which is not supported by proper historical evidences. Therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Qur’an's Stand against Evil
The Qur’an condemns evil in the strongest terms, and urges noble men who dedicate themselves to the truth to stand firm against evil, fight evil with all that they have and even sacrifice their lives for the sake of good in fighting against evil. However, the idea of Good winning against evil, and the forces of evil being crumbled before the might and majesty of Good is too much a burden for me to bear. Hence, I hate the Qur’an, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Muhammad’s Fight against Evil
Muhammad fought against the powers of evil, and broke down those forces and established the Kingdom of Heaven on God’s earth, thereby fulfilling the age-long endeavors of the Noble Messengers of God, and those noble souls who had suffered indescribably at the hands of evil and given their lives fighting against the powers of evil for the sake of truth. However, as I said before, I cannot bear to see the defeat of evil and therefore I want to hate Muhammad for defeating evil, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from Muhammad’s Polygamy
Muhammad was just a man and he had humanly instincts and desires, and therefore he got married to women. In his marital life, Muhammad followed his culture, and acted simply in accordance with his social norms and values, and thus, married a number of women simultaneously. In other words, this man practiced polygamy!
I know that polygamy was a perfectly normal cultural norm of the Arabs of the time of Muhammad. However, since polygamy is a practice that is unacceptable and objectionable in accordance with the socio-cultural norms and values of my time and society; and since I am too narrow-minded to understand the cultural norms and values of other people and other times; and since I want to Judge Muhammad with the yardsticks of my own cultural values and norms, I declare Muhammad to be an evil womanizer, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from What They Say about Muhammad
They say that Muhammad married a nine-year old Aishah and cohabited with her. There are many points at which this historical claim should be objected, questioned and thus disregarded. Moreover, the people who related this incident were not at all reliable in my opinion. However, since I want to attribute bad things such as pedophilia to Muhammad, I must embrace this claim about him marrying and cohabiting Aisha. Therefore I believe it, and based on it, I establish that Muhammad was a child-abuser.
Also, there is a narration in Islamic historical sources which tells us that Muhammad and his Companions arrested hundreds of Jews, had some of them undressed in order to make sure they had reached puberty, and had all adult men killed and all the children and women enslaved. Although this story was narrated by a Jewish man who claimed to have survived the atrocity, and although there are many other evidences that point out to possible fabrication in this case, I want to believe it and orchestrate it since it will help me to denigrate the character of Muhammad.
Such incidences are proof enough that Muhammad was an inhuman and perverted man, and therefore God doesn't exist.
Argument from Animalism
God prohibits us things such as engaging in illicit sex, improper and immoral fulfillment of carnal appetites, and other excesses of lewdness and profanity. He also commands us to keep away from amassing and devouring money and riches through dirty and selfish means such as gambling, usury, and deceptive dealings. He doesn’t stop there! He goes on to ask us not to drink alcohol, not to display our physical beauty in immoral ways, not to be arrogant, not to be boastful and conceited, etc!
However, I believe that I am free to engage in any of these evils as long as I don’t allow the red blood of any of my brother or sister to be directly seen on my hands! I don’t want anyone to interfere with how, where, and when I go ahead to fulfill the animalistic desires of mine that I have mentioned above. After all, this is the age of liberalism, and I am my own god, and I am living in a universe which I had created for myself, and I am eating, day in day out, of things that I myself have created for myself. Therefore God has no right to tell me what is wrong, what is right when I see it with rationality and logic!
In addition, I do not believe in the concept of objective truths in relation to morality. Many philosophers say, and therefore I too say, that whatever my personal, political, financial, or social interests demand me to commit or engage in, in a particular circumstance or situation, is the right thing for me. For example, if my personal interests demand me to commit fraud in a financial transaction, then committing fraud is perfectly right for me in that situation. Likewise, if I get a chance to commit fornication or adultery with a very beautiful girl or an attractive man, then it is good for me to do it because it brings me sexual gratification and fulfillment!
As I have said earlier, I don’t want anyone to interfere with me fulfilling my animalistic desires, and I don’t want anyone to bar my freedom to do whatever my personal interests dictate me to do. Since God tries to do exactly this, by setting out rules for me and asking me to shun these evils, he doesn’t exist!
Argument from Evil
Human beings have fought wars against each other in the name of religion, nationalism, etc., thereby killing millions of innocent men, women, and children. They have conducted wars that have annihilated whole tribes and nations. In recent times, men have gone so far as to bomb and burn hundreds of thousands of other human beings just for the sake of oil! Can you believe it?
Also, a few people have devoured the world’s resources and thereby driven a huge proportion of mankind into starvation and hunger. A few people are having riches many times more than they actually need, and are wasting them for pathetic purposes (you see some of them, for example, spending millions of dollars on marriage banquettes!!) while millions of people are foodless and homeless due to lack of financial ability to afford the fulfillment of these basic needs! Small populations have reserved for them huge land masses, and innumerable natural resources, so much so that the world’s resources are not distributed among its people – the human beings who are supposed to be equally entitled to the benefits of those resources – in a fair and just manner!
Millions of men, women, and children are dying due to various kinds of diseases every day. Although the world has enough resources to give proper medical treatment probably to all of them; and though the world possess sufficient technical ability to cure almost all of them, those poor people are dying of sicknesses just because they are not rich enough to afford the expensive medical treatment offered by the medical industry (yes, it is an industry doing business)! In other words, an overwhelmingly large proportion of poor human beings who are dying due to fatal illnesses are actually medically curable, and they would have been happily living their lives if they had the necessary financial and curative resources and facilities at their disposal! However, they have no choice but to suffer in life, and die as dogs uncared for, simply because those few people who have devoured the world’s riches are not prepared to give their poor brothers and sisters in humanity their due!
Instead of making our world a mechanized process, in which we human beings would mechanically be perfect beings, God gave us freedom - something of which we make a huge uproar, but something that we grossly misunderstand, and hypocritically deal with. We pretend to cherish freedom as a great gift to us (from nowhere!!!), and we boast about freedom as a virtue we hold dear, and then we curse freedom by blaming God for what we do with our freedom!
I know that all the and all other evils that I have spoken of and, also not spoken of, that have been catastrophic calamities hunting on mankind are only the doings of man himself. I know that man can put it right by becoming more loving and more understanding towards his brethren in humanity. However, I, as a human being myself, do not want to take any responsibility. I want God to send an army of angels to put everything right, or to use His Omnipotence and Omniscience to mend the situation instantly. In other words, we human beings should be free to bring about whatever evils on our fellow human beings, and God simply should clear up the mess we create! Since God doesn’t do that, He doesn’t exist!
There are certain evils that are described by some philosophers as 'natural evil', which are the result of natural forces created by God, which are not under the control of us human beings. God had already warned us of such things as part of a moral and spiritual examination of our love, devotion, submission, obedience, integrity, patience, and perseverance. In fact, God did never make any promises of a perfect life. He was very lovingly honest with us, and informed us that even with these natural calamities that would befall us at times, if we stood as a family of human beings with love towards each other, helpful to those of us befallen with such calamities, life would be incredibly beautiful and worthwhile. God also was very honest with us saying that eternal happiness and salvation would be there for anyone who stood patiently and lovingly facing God, and by the side of other human beings as a true brother/sister to all of them. However, since I failed to prove my worth in this task, and since I failed to pass the moral and spiritual examination, I would blame God for everything, and therefore God does not exist!
Argument from Accountability
Those who believe in God say that it is unjust to treat the wicked and the good alike. They say that the wicked, who purposefully reject the truth and commit all kinds of evil such as murder, rape, deception, lying, spreading mischief on earth, etc., and the good, who accept the truth, are humble, sincere, kind, loving, forgiving etc., are never the same and should never be treated in the same manner. They also say that treating those wicked people and the good people in the same manner amounts to outright injustice.
However, the concepts of fairness, justice, good and evil are beyond the grasp of my twisted mind and therefore I cannot accept the fact that God should punish the wicked in hell, while He puts the good in Paradise. God should put all the people, whether they are good or evil, in Paradise, and since God will punish the wicked in hell, He doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Almighty Father
Almighty Father Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (he had this little problem of being in love with his sister, but that's nothing, you see) traveled throughout the length and breadth of all that exists and, thus, came to know of all that was, is, will be, wasn’t, isn’t, and won’t be! In fact, he was there at the funeral of God and he wrote many books such as The Gay Science, and Thus Spake Zarathustra, in which he stated that God was dead. Therefore, God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Noble Son
Charles Robert Darwin the Noble Son of the Almighty Father traveled to the lands of east and west in the blessed ship called HMS Beagle, and he visited the blessed island of Galápagos where he was given knowledge of existence. After this, he wrote the Holy Book – Origin of Species – in which he explained the existence of life in the universe with the theory of evolution (the Holy Doctrine of Evolution, actually). According to this doctrine, God didn’t create the universe and its contents. Whatever life in the universe, says the doctrine of the Noble Son, originated through the process of evolution. In fact, the Noble Son says that man is an evolved form of a kind of monkeys which were prototypes for the human beings we see!
I don’t understand how this could be, and I am not sure whether Darwin the Noble Son fully understood what he said either. In fact, neither the Noble Son, nor any of his followers have really explained how their wheel of evolution began to move, or how it is steered. However, since Darwin the Noble Son said that life originated through the process of evolution, and since he gave testimony that God didn’t create life, the Noble Son was true and God doesn’t exist!
Argument from the Testimony of the Holy Spirit
Clinton Richard Dawkins – the Holy Spirit – is a man of encyclopedic knowledge of biology, and he has a subtle and intelligent mind. Yet, he is seriously short of real wisdom, and his propositions about God and his supposed proofs against God's existence from books such as The Blind Watchmaker and The God Delusion are nothing but speculation and conjecture presented in twisted rhetoric. Those books certainly have immense capacity to mislead people who are devoid and bereft of true wisdom. But they are sufficient proof as to the author's lamentably prejudiced perception and interpretation of the world as it is and the phenomenal manifestations we see in it.
However, Dawkins the Holy Spirit has said that God doesn’t exist, and he postulates a new version of the theory of evolution, and with it, proves that God is a myth. Even though how he proves the non-existence of God is a mystery to me, and a mystery, probably, to everyone else, I will accept his testimony nonetheless. You can ask me a million times why I accept his theory, but I will not tell you why. You may tell me that I am accepting his testimony blindly, like many millions of people believe in religions blindly! I don't care at all. I will only say this – since Dawkins said that the belief in God is delusional and that God is a delusion entertained by people with weak and irrational minds, I believe in Dawkins the Holy Spirit, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
Argument from My Whims and Caprices
When I tell my friends that I do not believe in God, they seem to be awestruck and amazed at how brave and daring I am. Also, by doing this, I get their attention. They talk about me among themselves, and they come to meet me and ask me several questions and listen to all that I tell them, though most of what I say doesn’t make sense either to them, or to me. Actually I do not know why theists are theists, or why atheists are atheists because I don’t have the mental ability, personal integrity, and sincerity of heart to look at the truth without reservations and stand for the truth for the sake of the truth!
Only one thing matters to me! It is that by denying God, and by claiming that I am an atheist, I will be able to project myself to my friends and those around me as a unique person who dares to do anything. In other words, my sick and pathetic mind thinks that I am been cool by rejecting God, and therefore God doesn’t exist!
I am cool, man (and woman)! And you should be cool like me as well! Ha ha ha haaaa